January 2013 Newsletter

Shalom Newsletter

Zambia Messianic Fellowship Newsletter.

January 2013

Shalom and greetings from Zambia.
The Luwingu Congregation is nestled in the deep Savannah of northern Zambia and once again is under going some persecution. A few years ago the congregants were physically attacked by irate villagers who accused the believers of  among other things dumping the African spiritual traditions for those of the Bible. After intervention from the politicians and dialogue with the tribal leaders, the believers were exempted from attending the yearly tribal ritual ceremonies stepped in witchcraft. Now, they have been commanded to donate money and grain to the  ritual ceremonies. There is a general agreement among the believers that this is against scripture. They stand to be expelled and banned from the villages. Thanks for praying.

The Luwingu Congregation.

Alex with some of the Luwingu congregational leadership.

A Word from Fay Yalenga
Dear Partners,
I would like to thank you for supporting the work of the Jerome Fliescher school for Orphans. As we begin a new year, i would like to share what it is like dealing with 162 orphans and underprivileged children. I pray that it will enable you to pray for us with knowledge.
Many have a picture of orphans as being little  innocent  babies without a mother or father. The truth is that most orphans have been brought up on the street and the only culture they know is the bad street culture.
I urge you to pray for me, American representatives and for my teachers for divine patience  and wisdom as we deal with the orphans and that we should be good role models. Among the negative character traits we have to deal with and which are found in most orphans are promiscuity, lack of manners, thieving, foul language,indiscipline, drugs, violence, lack of interest in school, absenteeism, lack of motivation & self confidence and sickness as some of them are HIV/Aids positive. Our orphans are aged from 6 to 18 years of age. As you will all agree with me children are children weather in Africa or in Europe or America. They are a gift from above and they all need to be loved. Most orphans have self pity and a complex which makes them not to excel. When disciplined it is common for an orphan to feel that they have been punished because they don’t have a father or mother.
To say that all our children are well mannered would be incorrect, so far we already have two pregnancies at the orphanage day school. Nevertheless most of the orphans have been touched positively by the word of God and are striving to be their best.
Assembly time at the Jerome Fleischer orphanage day school.
Lastly do please  pray that the authorities will grant us the certification required for us to start boarding the orphans at our new 24/7 orphanage building in Rock filed. I have  been meeting government officials and we are confident that we have met all the demand required by the law. The authorities are also asking us to take care of the orphans until they are in 12th grade. Right now we only have seventh grade.
Thank you for coming alongside  us and for helping to give these little ones a second chance by loving them with the love of God.
Be Blessed
Fay Yalenga

The Courts.

When we won the court case in October over our orphanage and congregational land the plaintiff was given 30 days leave to appeal the case. I am happy to report that no appeal was lodged within the 30 days given by the Zambian High Court and it is now official that we have won the case. We hope to move forward with our mission and calling with fewer distractions. Thank you for all the prayers, fasting, counsel, encouragement and love.
The Yalenga Household.
I would like to say thank you to all who stepped in and offered prayers and a hand when all in two days the world seemed like crushing down on us. Two of my daughters had asthmatic attacks, i was involved in a car accident, my two dogs died of rat poisoning. Later there was a measles breakout among my children and attacks from enemies of the ministry.
Our God is greater and mightier and i am glad to report that he has given us some calm!!

School Library

We still have room for some more books. Kindly join with us in starting a new library at the Jerome Fleischer Orphanage school. Imagine a school without a library? Our orphanage school has been running for almost ten years without a library. If you may, could you please kindly send a book or books to our new library project. Share this with friends, Sabbath and Sunday school kids who may want to send books. We especially & humbly request sponsors of children to send books too. New and used books are most welcome!!! They must be school appropriate. Biblical books are welcome too.Thank you for being a blessing!!
The Book Project
Jerome Fleischer Orphanage School
Po Box FW 193,
Lusaka. Zambia.


  • B who is a new Jewish believer.
  • P a new Muslim believer who just got back from Saudi Arabia.
  • Open doors for the gospel.
  • Salvation of the Zambian Jewish community.
  • Leadership training.
  • Spiritual and numerical growth.
  • Finances for ministry needs.


  • About $1500 to help replace and reinforce the roof at the Chinkuli congregation ($800 has been given Praise God)!
  • A wheelchair for Jane a disabled 18 year old member of our congregation who has crawled to get around all her life.
  • $25 will feed one orphan for the whole month. We still have orphans in need of sponsors.
  • $6 will buy a bible for a new believer.
  • $200 will buy 2 first aid kits for the orphanage school.
  • $500 will buy a science kit for the orphanage school.

Thank you for being a blessing.
Shalom, Shalom.
To Donate;
Donations are Tax deductable in the USA and are received with Thanksgiving. For Tax deductable Contributions in the United States, write checks to;
Congregational Roeh Israel
8556 East Warren Ave
Denver,Colorado 80231
(Don’t forget to put Zambia orphans in the Memo if you are sponsoring an orphan, Zambia missions for the ministry and  Yalenga family if you are sponsoring the Yalenga family);
You can also donate via Pay pal at;
When you donate to the Zambia Messianic Fellowship you can be sure that you are contributing to an organization that is witnessing to the lost, discipling believers, raising new leaders, taking care of orphans, planting congregations around Zambia, fighting anti-Semitism. Teaching the church about their Hebrew roots and responsibility to Israel, lobbying government for biblical values and helping the poor masses with viable economic activities.
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