Newsletter – March 2012

Zambia Messianic Fellowship Newsletter.
March 2012
Leaders of African Tribes embrace Israel.
A growing number of tribal leaders in Zambia are embracing Yeshua and his people Israel. At one meeting held by the Jerusalem house of prayer several tribal leaders attended and prayed for Israel and for the Jewish People.

Chief Mumena (wearing I love Israel tshirt) is one of the leaders of the 232,000 strong Kaonde people of Northwestern Zambia. Chief Mumena is a strong lover of Israel and of the Jewish people. He has been to Israel several times.

Chieftainess Chiawa of the 30,000 strong Goba people (second from the right) has dedicated her entire tribe to the God of Israel and declared a yearly get together for the entire tribe to worship the God of Israel. She did away with the annual ancestral worship ceremony.
I am happy to report that the Chinkuli Congregation which has gone without a roof for almost three years now has one!! Thank you to those who stepped forward and helped this congregation.
The rest of the congregations are doing well and prayer is welcome for spiritual and numerical growth in all the congregations that make up the Zambia Messianic Fellowship.

We have finally been given a date for our court hearing, June 12th. Kindly pray with us that God will prevail and the people trying to grab our orphanage frontage won’t be able to do so.
The High Court of Zambia.
I am happy to report that about 100 of our orphans are now fully sponsored!! we praise the Lord and rejoice greatly for His goodness. Fay and I would like to sincerely thank all the new sponsors and pray that you will initiate conversations with your sponsored child via mail. If you are able to, kindly send them a little Bible as almost all of them don’t have one. Other items you might want to send your sponsored child are a Mosquito net costing $10.

50{f867ed0a5269d3ff73e3962581c489613d212587fec1849d90b46f9dafc0d2f4} of all Zambian children are malnourished. 
The Lord has also provided the funds to buy the remaining furnishings for the orphange!! Kindly pray with us that the Government of Zambia will now grant us the permit to board the orphans in the new building.
We had a break in at the new orphanage and thieves tried to steal our water pump.  Our guards run the thieves away. Pray for a wall of protection around the orphanage and around each and every child under our care.
Pray for Alex as he travels in the USA.
Alex is still in the USA sharing the word of the Lord. Kindly pray for his family back in Zambia, good health, more open doors, God’s will to be done and pray for all those who are helping in making Alex’s trip a success. Pray a blessing upon all those who have opened their doors.
Sponsor an Orphan project.
You can now sponsor an orphan for only $25 a month at the Jerome Fleischer orphanage school. Sponsoring an orphan will give you an opportunity to correspond with your sponsored orphan, to pray for him or her, help them try to recover their lost childhood and it will also give you the opportunity to encourage the child to do well in school.
Your sponsorship will allow us to give the children nutritious meals, school supplies and medical care. Step into the world of an orphan and be a life changer. All donations towards sponsoring an orphan should be given through Congregational Roeh Israel (see bottom of this newsletter). To sponsor an orphan contact our USA representative Debra Green at or call 303-219-4591
We also have opportunities for one time giving at the end of the newsletter.
You can now help spread the gospel by sponsoring the Yalenga family. Alex & Fay Yalenga are in full time ministry. They oversee the nine Messianic Congregations in Zambia, have a radio outreach to over 2.5 million listeners & conduct outreaches to the Jewish, animists and Muslim populations. Fay oversees the Jerome Fleischer orphanage, which has 162 children. Alex and Fay have three daughters of their own and have adopted five other children. With only 480,000 formal jobs in Zambia which has a population of 14 Million. The local Zambian congregations plagued with high unemployment are struggling to support their leader.
For a tax deductable gift given through Congregational Roeh Israel you can make a difference by sponsoring the Yalenga family with any monthly gift of your choice. Simply write to to sign up.

  • Open doors for the gospel.
  • Salvation of the Zambian Jewish community.
  • Leadership training.
  • Spiritual and numerical growth.
  • Finances for ministry needs.
  • Completion of the orphanage.
  • Pray for Stevie as she works on our new website.

$25 will feed one orphan for the whole month.

  • $6 will buy a bible for a new believer.
  • $10 will buy a mosquito net for one of our 162 orphans.
  • House of prayer- we have decided to build a building for prayer at the land housing the orphanage.
  • $400 will buy a first aid kit for the orphanage school.
  • $500 will buy a science kit for the orphanage school.

Thank you for being a blessing.
Shalom, Shalom.
To Donate (http://localhost/testsite/donations/)

Donations are Tax deductable in the USA and are received with Thanksgiving. For Tax deductable Contributions in the United States, write checks to;
Congregational Roeh Israel
8556 East Warren Ave
Denver,Colorado 80231
(Don’t forget to put Zambia orphans in the Memo if you are sponsoring an orphan or Yalenga family if you are sponsoring the Yalenga family);
You can also donate via PayPal through the link below;
When you donate to the Zambia Messianic Fellowship you can be sure that you are contributing to an organization that is witnessing to the lost, discipling believers, raising new leaders, taking care of orphans, planting congregations around Zambia, fighting anti-Semitism. Teaching the church about their Hebrew roots and responsibility to Israel, lobbying government for biblical values and helping the poor masses with viable economic activities.