About Us Featured image


We Are Faith based Non-Profit movement

The Zambia Messianic Fellowship is a Biblically sound prophetic end-time movement of Jews and non-Jewish followers of Yeshua. We are a Yeshua Centred and Torah Observant congregation which is the oldest Messianic congregation in existence in Zambia for over 18 years ago and has many Branches across Zambia.

Zambia Messianic fellowship is a congregation where both Jew and gentile worship the Holy one of Israel together in a distinctly Messianic Jewish space. We combine Jewish liturgy with contemporary worship led by the Ruach Hakodesh (The holy spirit). We believe in the whole counsel of Adonai and teach from both the old and New covenant scriptures.

Our History

Our Mission  

Our mission is to reach the lost sheep of the house of Israel and those from the Nations with the Good News of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) as commanded by the scriptures. (ROMANS 1:16)

& Vision

To love God; to love our neighbor; to share the Good News of Messiah Yeshua, and to make disciples – to the Jew first and also to the nations. To be a people filled with zeal and good works for the Kingdom.

Our Shabbat services

mainly includes the following:

  • Intercession
  • Jewish Liturgy and contemporary praise and worship
  • Torah Class
  • Shabbat School
  • Hebrew Lessons
  • One meal and a lot more

Our Partners

Our partners help us expand our outreach, support orphaned children, provide education, and strengthen faith-based initiatives.