August 2017 Newsletter

August 2017 Newsletter
Shalom and blessings.
A word for you
Look before you leap. Many a rash choice has caused many to fall. Get as many facts as you can and weigh your choices with biblical values before making a decision.
Nevertheless, take care because indecision becomes decision with time and every risk is a leap of faith. Have a great day!


Our New sanctuary
Finally after what seemed like an impossible task, God has enabled us to complete works on our new sanctuary. Members determined to finish the work on the sanctuary without outside financial support relaying on “2Sa 24:24 …… I will not offer burnt offerings to Adonai my God that cost me nothing…….” Members sold household items and volunteered to make this a reality. Praise God for His goodness.

The Chinkuli congregation lost our beloved member Jane.

Beatrice, Fay and Jane Kachepa (in wheelchair).
Please do pray for the Kachepa family, their other daughter Unity(16yrs) is admitted and is in critical condition at one of the local hospitals, she is believed to have a brain tumor.

Pastor Willis from Hesperus teaching at our day school.

Pat washing dishes at the day school.
We had two wonderful mission teams that visited Zambia recently. The teams visited congregations, helped at the orphanage and day school and did evangelistic works.
Thank you to all who come and to all those who made the mission trips a reality.

The Day School
Mariah’s Sponsorship Experience:

Maria & Ruth!
“When I was just 13 years old, God placed it on my heart to sponsor a child. After becoming a sponsor, I immediately wanted to travel to Zambia and meet my girl Ruth. After 6 years of waiting, God fulfilled my dream. I had the opportunity to meet Ruth in person and it couldn’t have been sweeter! While I was there, I met Thomas who has such a tender and loving soul. He touched my heart so much so that I decided to sponsor him as well.

Maria and Thomas!
Sponsorship is about so much more than just sending money. It is a way to really connect with a child who is so desperate for love. If you choose to do so, you can really have a lasting impact on their life. In fact, if you open your heart, chances are that they will reach deep and touch you.”
If you are ready to open your heart and be forever changed, please consider becoming a sponsor. Kimmy, Elijah, Richard and so many more are awaiting your support and friendship.
(We still have many children in need of sponsorship. We have 162 children at the day school that is 85 boys and 77 girls. 73 children are still in need of sponsorship. $25 a month will provide school, food and a biblical education for one precious child, please help us have all children to get sponsored).


Children at our orphanage home.

Story of a Child

Meet another Alex Yalenga.
The government brought a lost child to our orphanage home. He was found in some slams of Lusaka wondering in the night. No one knows his name and age and he claims he was only called Junior and does not have any other name. After giving up in trying to locate his parents the government finally gave him to our orphanage. We think he is around five years old. The government was requested to name the child so that he can be enrolled into our sponsorship program and into school, to everyone’s amazement they named him Alex Yalenga.

Other News
Our Court papers concerning litigation of our frontage have again gone missing from The Zambian High Court. Thank you for praying.
We have been working on our website and trying to update it and make it more relevant.
Pray for our ministry as we have come under a number of attacks from the Lusaka city council government and the central government.
Contrary to Zambian law, the Lusaka city council is demanding that we pay about $1900 in land rates. Our attorneys responded quoting the law but the Lusaka City council will have non of our explanations. Without funds to fight this injustice in court we find ourselves with almost no other option but to pay. Please do pray that God will fight this battle for us.
The Zambia Revenue Authority also imposed a penalty of almost $12,000 for un-remitted revenue.
After contending and showing proof that we are a religious organization that amount has been reduced to $2400. We are still fighting to have the entire amount written off. Thank you for your prayers.

Scholarships – Graciousness Extended:
Upon graduation from the Day School, each child takes a required exam, to determine whether they will be selected to go further in school.  They will be able to attend a higher school if their scores are high enough and positions are available.  The great news is that our Day School students consistently get the highest scores in the exams, and almost all are selected to move to the higher levels.  The sad news is that these schools are not free.
Those schools have fees which must be paid before the child is permitted to enroll. In Zambia, these schools start in January and end in December, and the cost is $360/year for one child.    You can help these children break through the cycle of poverty, and continue their education in grades 8- 12.  A scholarship for all 5 years of their high school education would be $1,800.00.
We believe that these children are the future leaders of Zambia, and as godly men and women, they will turn this nation around.  So, you see why we are so eager to see each child go on into the upper levels.  
Please consider sponsoring a child for a year of upper education at $360 per year.  Of course, we rejoice to receive all gifts of any amount, so we can make as many scholarships available as possible. “


The Yalenga Family
Continue praying for the Yalenga family as they minister the word of God.
Alex will be visiting the USA this coming October. If you would like Alex to speak at your congregation or just to meet with him kindly contact Rabbi Jay Ledbetter 303-880-3945 or

PRAYER POINTS- Please join us in prayer for the following:

  • Salvation of the Zambian Jewish community, Muslim community and African tribal communities
  • Open doors for the gospel
  • Spiritual and numerical growth.
  • The greatest numerical growth of Bible believers in the world is currently taking place in Africa and African believers are facing an increased level of persecutions from Muslims. Beheadings, shootings, bomb attacks, kidnapping, slavery, forced conversion, acid attacks and many other evil things are being committed against God’s children. Please pray for the Body of Messiah in Africa especially in Nigeria, Kenya and Somalia.
  • Please do pray for the court case involving our property to be disposed of once and for all and for finances to pay all the legal fees.
  • Pray for continued sponsorship for our Shalom Zambia radio outreach and that it will bear fruit among the 2.5 million listeners.
  • Protection from counterfeit believers.
  • Finances for ministry needs, including a sponsor for each child under our care, financial support for the Yalenga family and for the needs of the other congregations under ZMF’s covering.


  • $80 a month will allow a child to stay at our orphanage giving them a safe place, warm bed, three meals a day and school. Children will be taken in after a sponsor is found.
  • $25 a month will sponsor feed and educate one orphan for the whole month at our day school. We still have 73children in need of sponsors.
  • $90 will sponsor one radio outreach program to over 2.5 million people.
  • $150 will help pay the monthly wage of one teacher at the orphanage day school. We have 8 teachers teaching over 190 children.
  • $6 will buy a bible for a new believer.
  • $50 will buy a goat to provide protein for children at the day school.
  • Monthly support for the Yalenga family who are in full time ministry taking care of 8 congregations, Orphanage, school, outreach, discipleship and raising new leaders.

Thank you for being a blessing.
Shalom, Shalom.
For more information contact
To Donate
Donations are tax deductible in the USA and are received with thanksgiving. For tax-deductible contributions in the United States, write checks (please designate Zambia) to:
Congregational Roeh Israel
8556 East Warren Ave
Denver, Colorado 80231

Those in the UK (and Europe) can now support the work here in Zambia in £ or euros (cheque, money order).  Cheques should be made to B’Nai Maccabim ( with Zambia on the back
If you have questions or are looking for possibilities of supporting the ministry, sponsoring an orphan, being involved in our Graciousness Extended program or supporting the Yalenga family, please contact Maria Schmitt at or 719-487-9061.
You can also donate via Pay pal (not tax-deductible) at  http://localhost/testsite/donations/. If you choose to send via PayPal, we kindly ask that you consider adding $1.30 for each $25.00 sent due to the amount of your donation PayPal will deduct if you are not a PayPal subscriber.
When you donate to the Zambia Messianic Fellowship you can be sure that you are contributing to an organization that is witnessing to the lost, discipling believers, raising new leaders, taking care of orphans, planting congregations around Zambia, fighting anti-Semitism, teaching the church about their Hebrew roots and responsibility to Israel, lobbying government for biblical values and helping the poor masses with viable economic activities.
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