October 2014 Newsletter
ZAMBIA MESSIANIC NEWSLETTER. October 2014 A word from Alex Firstly a Big Thank you for all who support our work. We love you and pray for you always. In…
ZAMBIA MESSIANIC NEWSLETTER. October 2014 A word from Alex Firstly a Big Thank you for all who support our work. We love you and pray for you always. In…
ZAMBIA MESSIANIC NEWSLETTER. August 2014 In Africa Israel support is growing. A word from Alex Israel is not an apartheid state. As an African from Southern Africa and I…
Shalom Newsletter March 2014 Psalms 107:1 'O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good, for His mercy endureth for ever.' Yes, Our God is good beyond all description!!…
Shalom Newsletter The Mighty Victoria Falls on the Zambian side Shalom and warm greetings from Zambia, the real Africa. God has been wonderful to us and we are happy to…
Shalom Newsletter August 2013 Shalom Newsletter HAPPY JEWISH NEW YEAR 5774! Warm greetings from Zambia the heart of Africa. It has been a while since we last sent our last…
Shalom Newsletter May 1st 2013 Welcome to our newsletter and thank you for taking the time to read it. "Surely the LORD'S mercies are not consumed, surely His compassions fail…