January 2022 Newsletter
A word from Rabbi Yalenga

Thank you all
The Zambia Messianic Congregations.
“For the One working in you is God—both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you might be blameless and innocent, children of God in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation. Among them you shine as lights in the world”
Php 2:13-15
There has been a lot of activities going on within all the nine congregations of the Zambia Messianic Fellowship. The northern congregations led by Rabbi Thomas Kapoki have been doing lots of evangelism in Mporokoso and many other rural areas resulting in the birth of two young groups of believers.
Our Beth Messiah youths had a very successful youth meeting and dinner at Pamodzi Hotel in the heart of Lusaka. Our Shalom Zambia radio outreach is still going strong and reaching more and more people for the Kingdom.
The Beth Messiah Youth.
The Chinkuli congregation has lost their building, land and two wells due to constant persecution from some of the villagers and with no help from the tribal leader.
The Chinkuli congregation
We continue with help from above in our efforts to raise leaders and disciples in Zambia and doors have opened for us in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Congo and Malawi.
We had a mass birthday for our orphans at the day school. many have no idea when they were born and so we came up with one big day for all our orphaned children to celebrate their birthdays. Thank you to all who made this possible.
We are also almost done in the construction of the 10th grade classroom. Our school will now have first to tenth grade!! We are so thrilled at what the Lord has done for us over the years. We started our school in an abandoned ghetto garage and now we own our own school. Our pass rate has been 100% over the years and we are first among all the 57 schools in sport activities in our school district..

Construction in progress
We had several covid cases at our orphanage home in Rockfield (the school and orphanage are separate). Several of the children came down with covid. The staff taking care of the orphans at the orphanage also came down with Covid too. But I am happy to report that all have fully recovered and some of the children are back in the worship team at Beth Messiah.
The Yalenga family
We are grateful to all those who pray for us, support us and enable us to be in full time ministry.
May the merciful God continue to bless you all.
We are all in good health and our oldest daughter Tamar will be going to university this year in Idaho, USA.
- There was no reported Covid incidences among the over 230 children and teachers at the day school.
- We also received new equipment from Mauchad for our Shalom Zambia radio program and for one of our congregations. Thank you Marc and Dara Vidito.
PRAYER POINTS- Please join us in prayer for the following:
- Musonda has been accepted at an aviation school. He come to us in second grade and used to walk over three hours one way to get to our school. He was among the top performing students in the whole country of Zambia when he wrote the grade 12th national examinations. So far friends of the ministry have raised about $10,000 of the $16,000 needed for him to enter aviation school in April. Please pray on how the Lord can lead to help this orphaned but highly intelligent boy.
- • Our new outreach to the Lemba Jews of Zambia.
- • Salvation of the Zambian traditional Jewish community, Muslim community and African tribal communities
- • Open doors for the gospel
- • Spiritual and numerical growth.
- • The greatest numerical growth of Bible believers in the world is currently taking place in Africa and African believers are facing an increased level of persecutions from Muslims. Beheadings, shootings, bomb attacks, kidnapping, slavery, forced conversion, acid attacks and many other evil things are being committed against God’s children. Please pray for the Body of Messiah in Africa.
- • Pray for continued sponsorship for our Shalom Zambia radio outreach and that it will bear fruit among the 2.5 million listeners.
- • Protection from counterfeit believers.
- • Finances for ministry needs, including a sponsor for each child under our care, financial support for the Yalenga family and for the needs of the other congregations under the Zambia Messianic Fellowship covering.
- • $80 a month will allow a child to stay at our orphanage giving them a safe place, warm bed, three meals a day and school. Children will be taken in after a sponsor is found.
- • $30 a month will sponsor feed and educate one orphan for the whole month at our day school. We still have many children in need of sponsors.
- • $90 will sponsor one radio outreach program to over 2.5 million people.
- • $150 will help pay the monthly wage of one teacher at the orphanage day school.
- • $6 will buy a bible for a new believer.
- • $50 will buy a goat to provide protein for children at the day school.
- • Monthly support for the Yalenga family who are in full time ministry taking care of 9 congregations, an Orphanage, a school, outreach, discipleship and raising new leaders.
- • $100 to help build a playground for our orphanage
Thank you for being a blessing.
Shalom, Shalom.
For more information contact
To Donate
Donations are tax deductible in the USA and are received with thanksgiving. For tax-deductible contributions in the United States, write checks (please designate Zambia) to:
Congregational Roeh Israel
8556 East Warren Ave
Denver, Colorado 80231
Those in the UK (and Europe) can now support the work here in Zambia in £ or euros (cheque, money order). Cheques should be made to B’Nai Maccabim (http://www.bnaimac.co.uk) with Zambia on the back
If you have questions or are looking for possibilities of supporting the ministry, sponsoring an orphan, being involved in our Graciousness Extended program or supporting the Yalenga family, please contact Maria Schmitt at zmforphanage@gmail.com or 719-487-9061.
You can also donate via Pay pal (not tax-deductible) at http://localhost/testsite/donations/. If you choose to send via PayPal, we kindly ask that you consider adding $1.30 for each $25.00 sent due to the amount of your donation PayPal will deduct if you are not a PayPal subscriber.
When you donate to the Zambia Messianic Fellowship you can be sure that you are contributing to an organization that is witnessing to the lost, discipling believers, raising new leaders, taking care of orphans, planting congregations around Zambia, fighting anti-Semitism, teaching the church about their Hebrew roots and responsibility to Israel, lobbying government for biblical values and helping the poor masses with viable economic activities.
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