May 2017 Newsletter

May 2017 Newsletter
 Shalom and blessings.

Give Thanks to the Lord, for He Is Good
Halleluyah! Praise Adonai, for He is good, for His lovingkindness endures forever.
Who can speak of Adonai’s mighty acts or declare His praise?
Blessed are those who maintain justice, who do what is right at all times.
Remember me, Adonai, when You show favor to Your people. Visit me with Your salvation, so I may behold the prosperity of Your chosen ones, exult in the joy of Your nation, and give praise with Your inheritance.
Psalms 106:1-5


Rabbi Jack Zimmerman
Rabbi Jack Zimmerman was at ZMF recently and brought word to the congregation, the orphans and the nation of Zambia via radio. He also conducted a mikveh (baptism) with Rabbi Alex. Nine precious souls received Yeshua and dedicated their lives to the God of Israel. One of them was a former Muslim.


Rabbi Jack as guest speaker during the Shalom Zambia radio program in lusaka, Zambia.


Nine precious souls gave their lives to the Messiah of Israel.


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Ramah Eliyahu Mapepo went to be with the Lord last April.
Eliyahu was many things at Zambia Messianic Fellowship.
He was our sanctuary custodian, Hebrew teacher, Graphic designer, website admin, Shabbat school teacher and many more.
Eliyahu was 28 yrs. old and was sponsoring two orphans.
The entire ZMF family misses Eliyahu and thanks God for sharing Eliyahu with all of us.

Another wedding at ZMF


Dingley and Roydah tied the knot at Beth Messiah.
I am glad to report that the Lord has helped us plant three new small congregations in Solwezi (Northwestern Province), Kitwe (Copperbelt province) and Luwingu (Northern province). Please do pray that they will grow and impact their communities for the Messiah and God of Israel.

Karen and Maria Banko from Roeh Israel in Denver are in Zambia for three weeks!! Hallelujah!
They will be working with orphans at both the day school and the orphanage.
Please do keep them in prayer for good health, safety and above all God’s will to be done during their visit.
A team of six wonderful servants of God from Hesperus, Colorado will be visiting ZMF next month in June.

The Day School
The Day school is in the western part of Lusaka and has about 194 children.
Many of these children are orphans.
Of the 194 children 102 are boys and 92 are girls. The day school is from 1st grade to seventh grade.Thank you for being the loving arms of Yeshua in bringing hope, comfort, food and school to these precious souls.



Corn meal being delivered  for orphans
The orphanage has again come under attack and this time from the local government.
Zambian law exempts all religious institutions like Synagogues and churches from paying land rates.
However, the local authority feels because we are taking care of orphans (given to us by the federal government) we should then pay land rates.
They have slapped us with a $1600 penalty. We are contesting this and would appreciate prayer in this regard.
Because we fly both the Israeli and American flags at our property the local government through one of its officers has accused us of receiving funding from the government of Israel and the government of the United States. This is a lie. Godly ministries and hardworking individuals are the ones supporting the work of our ministry through their donations.
As a matter of fact, we still have many orphans without sponsorship for food, school, clothing, medication and spiritual education. Please help us find more sponsorship for these sweet children who are without parents and hope. The information for sponsorship is found towards the bottom of this newsletter.
The orphanage has 22 children who live there.

Orphan Story


Fredrick Mutale is 11 yrs. old and he lost both of his parents when he was young. He was then taken care of by his grandmother who later abandoned him due to poverty. He now lives at the Jerome Fleischer orphanage home. The government of Zambia brought him to our orphanage home.
Fredrick is in fifth grade at Hillview Primary school and wants to become a  doctor when he grows up.

Graciousness Extended Project

Occasionally we have the opportunity to extend graciousness to children that have special needs or have graduated from our day school but have no support. Some of the children who have graduated from the 7th grade no longer are given a meal or assistance to go on further with their education.  We have developed this program to help care for these children who do not fall under our school and feeding program. If you were sponsoring a child who has since graduated and you would like to continue sponsoring the same child this is for you.
Amazingly some of the children we started with at our day school are now completing senior High school and heading into collages. Hallelujah!!!

The Yalenga Family

I was honored to mikveh (baptize) Eliana my second born daughter after she confessed her faith in Yeshua. Eliana is almost ten years old and is going into 6th grade and studying Hebrew in preparation for her bat Mitzvah in two years time.
Please continue praying for the Yalenga family as they minister the word of God.


  • Our new Synagogue is complete, Hallelujah.
  • Three small congregations have been planted in Kitwe, Solwezi and Luwingu Boma.
  • Our Shalom Zambia Radio outreach is back on the airwaves reaching an estimated 2.5 million people.

PRAYER POINTS- Please join us in prayer for the following:

  • Please do pray against the fee the local city government has imposed upon us in disregard to Zambian law.
  • Please do pray that we introduce 8-12 grades at our day school so that our orphans don’t have to go away looking for other schools to continue their senior education.
  • The greatest numerical growth of Bible believers in the world is currently taking place in Africa and African believers are facing an increased level of persecutions from Muslims. Beheadings, shootings, bomb attacks, kidnapping, slavery, forced conversion, acid attacks and many other evil things are being committed against God’s children. Please pray for the Body of Messiah in Africa especially in Nigeria, Kenya and Somalia.
  • Please do pray for the court case involving our property to be disposed of once and for all and for finances to pay all the legal fees.
  • Pray for continued sponsorship for our Shalom Zambia radio outreach and that it will bear fruit among the 2.5 million listeners.
  • Protection from counterfeit believers.
  • Open doors for the gospel
  • Salvation of the Zambian Jewish community, Muslim community and African tribal communities
  • Spiritual and numerical growth.
  • Finances for ministry needs, including a sponsor for each child under our care, financial support for the Yalenga family and for the needs of the other congregations under ZMF’s covering.


  • $80 a month will allow a child to stay at our orphanage giving them a safe place, warm bed, three meals a day and school. Children will be taken in after a sponsor is found.
  • $25 a month will sponsor feed and educate one orphan for the whole month at our day school. We still have many children in need of sponsors.
  • $90 will sponsor one radio outreach program to over 2.5 million people.
  • $150 will help pay the monthly wage of one teacher at the orphanage day school. We have 8 teachers teaching over 160 children.
  • $6 will buy a bible for a new believer.
  • $50 will buy a goat to provide protein for 164 orphans for a day.
  • Monthly support for the Yalenga family who are in full time ministry taking care of 8 congregations, 3 new congregations, Orphanage, school, outreach, discipleship and raising new leaders.

Thank you for being a blessing.
Shalom, Shalom.
For more information contact
To Donate
Donations are tax deductible in the USA and are received with thanksgiving. For tax-deductible contributions in the United States, write checks (please designate Zambia) to:
Congregational Roeh Israel
8556 East Warren Ave
Denver, Colorado 80231

Those in the UK (and Europe) can now support the work here in Zambia in £ or euros (cheque, money order).  Cheques should be made to B’Nai Maccabim ( with Zambia on the back
If you have questions or are looking for possibilities of supporting the ministry, sponsoring an orphan, being involved in our Graciousness Extended program or supporting the Yalenga family, please contact Maria Schmitt at or 719-487-9061.
You can also donate via Pay pal (not tax-deductible). If you choose to send via PayPal, we kindly ask that you consider adding $1.30 for each $25.00 sent due to the amount of your donation PayPal will deduct if you are not a PayPal subscriber.
When you donate to the Zambia Messianic Fellowship you can be sure that you are contributing to an organization that is witnessing to the lost, discipling believers, raising new leaders, taking care of orphans, planting congregations around Zambia, fighting anti-Semitism, teaching the church about their Hebrew roots and responsibility to Israel, lobbying government for biblical values and helping the poor masses with viable economic activities.
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